Monday, November 24, 2008

A family challenge and new ideas

Well, our family decided a month ago to become more frugal than ever. The goal basically is a simple one; pay off our debt, save and be able to move back 'home' to be closer with family - all as soon as possible. I won't lie, being on a strict budget is hard. Its been a reality check, thats for sure. But its been so good in so many ways!

Its also presented a creative challenge. I decided that from that point on, I was going to create items to use up my incredible stash, but also that when J wanted/needed something, we would make it (if we could) instead of buy it. Because of that we (the creative team of me, J & D) have created several new toddler tees - monsters, robots and a snowman. We've worked on teacher gifts together, and our latest project, which unfolded quickly yesterday. LOL

A little background... in the summer, J decided he wanted a watch. Now, most mom's of toddler know that a watch would likely get lost or break in quick time (no pun intended), so we made one out of scrap foam, drew a face on it and he was thrilled. Yesterday, he dug out his mangled foam watch from the far corners of the toy room and declared he needed a new one - and started pulling felt and ribbon from my bins (yes, he is great at pulling together supplies! lol) So......after some sketching and consulting with my creative team, this is what we came up with!

What do you think?

Its made of felt and ribbon. The clock face is fused onto the felt and then I hand stitched around the clock face and in the middle to secure it. Velcro makes it easy to put on & off. I made a few for the upcoming show and we'll see how they go. J loves his and really......thats all that matters. :)

Teacher Gifts!

Getting ready for shows is fun, but totally exhausting!! :)

Teachers gifts are big on the list so here are a few I have been working on. I'm slowly getting them up on Etsy, but if you want some, come see me at Darnaby! (or email me!)

  • Teacher "sneezies" - what teacher couldn't use tissues with all those little germy kids around? lol Lots of fun fabrics this year!

  • Book Baubles - these are great for teachers, stocking stuffers for your sister or even co-workers! Use them to organize your bills, keep your spot in your fav book or magazine, cookbooks, endless, fun and pretty!

  • Teacher "Pull-ups" as I like to call them. Chocolate cards .. what could be better? I've stuck colored cardstock in them in the past to include a small message, but the generic ones I make can also be great stocking stuffers, bday gifts, or just because!

  • And something new ... notepads! I saw these little beauties on a blog last year and thought they were adorable!! (thank you Michelle Wooderson!) The possibilities are endless with these tho!

So, maybe that will get your wheels turning for teachers gifts. I've also been working on fobs! I LOVE FOBS! I can't stop making them. I love pulling out some new fabrics and making a few fobs from them.. ahhhhh. SOOO MUCH FUN!!

Enjoy! And don't forget your teachers this season! They teach your kiddos!! :)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

I am a Robot - Do as I say......

It would be an understatement if I said that robots were a part of my daily life right now. Isn't it funny how boys, specifically toddler boys, change their likes and dislikes? Every week its something new. Cars, trucks, Nemo, Mickey Mouse, Transformers, airplanes, now Robots!

J & D helped me design these shirts. J loves his. We alternate between robots and monsters now. Who knows what will be next! :)

I'll be adding them to Etsy. Etsians seem to love the robots lately, so, seems like a good place to launch them. If I get my act together, I may have them at the Darnaby Arts & Crafts Show (Saturday, Dec 6th, 9-5 - Union HS on Garnett). The Tulsa Trendy Treasures group will be there! Be sure to stop by and say hello!

Monday, November 3, 2008

TTT November Shows

Whewwwww! Its going to be a busy month! The TTT (Tulsa Trendy Treasures) Group will be at the following places this month:

November 6th - 9:00 - 2:30 - Tulsa Spine & Specialty Hospital

November 11th & 12th - 9:00 - 5:00 - St Francis Hospital cafeteria (on 61st)

November 14th - 9:00 - 4:00 - Jenks Elementary School

Tis the season! I am busy using some fab fabrics and creating some really unique teacher gifts! Stop by & say hi!